INLACE: Lace Front Hair System Großhandel 0.08-0.10 mm Eingespritzte Haut

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Holen Sie sich ein Muster: Wir haben spezielle Vorzugspreise für das erste Testblatt von Großhandelskunden. JETZT BEWERBEN

Das INLACE-Spitzenhaarsystem ist eine der besten Großhandelsoptionen für Haarteile bei New Times Hair. Es hat eine transparente Poly-Skin-Basis und eine Spitzenfront, die Natürlichkeit und Haltbarkeit vereint.

  • Die 0,08-0,10 mm dicke transparente Hautbasis hält länger als die dünneren und ist auch auf der Kopfhaut unsichtbar.
  • Durch die handwerkliche Herstellung mit Hilfe der Injektionsbelüftungstechnik entsteht ein völlig knotenloser Effekt auf der gesamten Hautbasis.
  • Im Vergleich zu anderen Systemen verwenden wir beim INLACE Spitzenhaarsystem längeres Haar mit einer fertigen Länge von 7″ bis 8″, was mehr mögliche Frisuren und Looks ermöglicht.
  • Wir sind der Großhandelslieferant für Friseure, Salons, Kosmetikschulen und Kliniken auf der ganzen Welt.
Gewicht 0.09 kg

Indisches Haar


Injected skin 0.08-0.1mm with Swiss lace front



Front Kontur




Haare locken









außer in den dunklen Farben #1, #1A oder den hellen Farben #7, #7ASH, #18, #2, Front 1


2-3 Monate

Start to Order Wholesale Lace Front Hair System

INLACE, our newest arrival, is a lace front hair system for men. It can be delivered within 24 business hours of payment.

The base consists of a 0.08mm-0.1mm super thin skin with Swiss lace at the front. 0.08mm-0.1mm is the ideal thickness of skin for both naturalness and durability.

Lace Front Hair System Wholesale


We bleach the lace front of the hairpiece to make the hairline look even more natural (except in dark colors #1 and #1A). Additionally, the lace front makes any brush-back look possible when your customer wearing on it.

Lace Front Hair System Wholesale


Injected hair is applied to the skin base of this men’s lace front hairpiece. This gives the hairpiece an extremely natural appearance since it is knotless. Note: As we use injected hair on this lace front hair system, we don’t recommend that you brush the hair when it is wet, especially after it has been soaked in hot water. Since it is knotless, such action may result in hair shedding.

Lace Front Hair System Wholesale


A hairstyling service is also available at New Times Hair. Our distinctive men’s hairstyles can enhance your client’s looks and daily routine.


Lace Front Hair System Wholesale

Kind Reminder: After you receive the hair replacement system, please contact us directly if you have any questions or issues with a product. New Times Hair will work with you to ensure your satisfaction. We offer a 30-day guarantee return option for our stock products. To use this option, please make sure that the hair system has not been cut, shaped, washed, dyed, or used.



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Nachstehend finden Sie Antworten auf die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen:

1. Kann ich Haarsysteme AUF Lager zurückgeben oder umtauschen?

Ja, auf jeden Fall! Sie können unser Lagerhaarsystem innerhalb von 30 Tagen ab Kaufdatum zurückgeben oder umtauschen, sofern das Haarsystem unverändert, ungetragen, ungewaschen, unbeschädigt und in der Originalverpackung ist.

2. Wer ist für die Versandkosten verantwortlich?

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Schließen Sie sich uns als exklusiver Großhändler an

Warum mitmachen?


What are Haarsystem mit Spitzes? What are the pros and cons?

The Haarsystem mit Spitzes are hairpieces with bases made of very soft and silky polyurethane materials that imitate the appearance of human skin.

Most Haarteile mit Spitze für Männers are natural-looking and comfortable enough to meet wearers’ needs. Another advantage of Haarteile mit Spitze für Männers is that they are very compatible with both glue and tape when it comes to hair system attachment and cleaning; thus, wearers are spared many hassles. The thickness of the skin base varies considerably. The thinner the skin, the more natural-looking the hairpiece appears—and vice versa. Conversely, the lifespan of Toupet mit Spitzes is positively correlated with the skin’s thickness.

Thus, there is always a trade-off between durability and realism when it comes to skin hair systems. Some of them are extremely natural-looking but not durable, while others will last for a really long time but are not as undetectable.

How long do Haarsystem mit Spitzes last?

The lifespan of Haarsystem mit Spitzes hinges on a wide array of factors, such as base thickness, hair type, hair ventilation method, and well they are taken care of.

Out of all of these factors, base thickness plays the most predominant role in the lifespan of skin hair systems, as the thicker the base, the longer the hair system lasts. That is why 0.03mm predominate have a lifespan of only a month, while 0.06mm and 0.08mm ones can last as long as 3 to 4 months when well taken care of. Generally speaking, hair systems with a skin thickness larger than 0.1mm have no problem lasting more than 6 months; however, their naturalness is greatly compromised.

The type of hair used in the production of the Haarsystem mit Spitze also plays a part in the lifespan. With top-grade hair materials, many skin hair systems manage to outlast their expected lifespan since such hair materials are less vulnerable to breakage and shedding. Thus, when wholesaling Haarteile mit Spitze für Männer to fuel your business growth, it is very important to select a men’s toupee manufacturer with high-quality standards and proficient expertise.

What are the differences between skin Haarsystem mit Spitzes and lace hair systems?

The major difference between these two kinds of hair systems is their base material.

Unlike Haarsystem mit Spitzes with a base made mostly of polyurethane materials, the base of lace hair systems is made of very soft, breathable, and interwoven lace material of different kinds. Lace hair systems are highly appreciated by hair system wearers worldwide because they appear very natural and undetectable. With an extraordinary level of breathability due to the numerous holes on the base, lace hair replacement systems are seen as a better fit for hot weather because they give wearers’ the coolest feeling. People who live a sporty lifestyle find such hair systems particularly favorable.

In contrast, skin hair systems are very user-friendly in the sense that it is very easy to wash them and clean the glue on the base. This feature is particularly valuable as more and more hair piece wearers prefer to use glue for attachment purposes. The wearers can put on their hairpieces within just a few minutes using glue. After taking it off, they can just wash out the glue with clean water and let it dry out. For lace hair systems, the tape is widely used instead, as the lace material is not that compatible with glue, which can gradually damage the lace material.

How should I install Haarsystem mit Spitzes for my clients?

Glue is commonly used forHaarsystem mit Spitze installation, as it is an easier and faster option than tape. Click to find our detailed instructions on men’s hair piece installation.

Step 1: Cut the hair system down to your client’s size, and cut off the extra skin along the front hairline. Be careful not to cut the hair when cutting the base.

Step 2: Shave off the hair on the area that will be covered by the Haarteile mit Spitze für Männer. Thoroughly clean the scalp with alcohol.

Step 3: Use a make-up pencil to mark a few dots on your client’s scalp along the edge of the hair system. The front hairline can be located by placing four fingers above your client’s eyebrows.

Step 4: Brush a thin layer of glue up to the dots before carefully wiping the dots off.

Step 5: Wait until the glue is completely dry and position the Haarsystem mit Spitze from the front hairline all the way to the back. Try to make sure that there are no bubbles. Once the Toupet mit Spitze is nicely positioned, firmly press it to make sure it is tightly secured to your client’s head.

This article on how to install a hair system like a pro has some valuable information, including walking you through a typical crown hair piece installation routine.

How can I cut off the extra skin base of my Haarsystem mit Spitze?

You can request cutting base service when you place the order from our website. If you plan to cut the base yourself. Please follow our guide on how to cut the base of a hair system to size strictly in case to cut it wrongly.

Most Haarsystem mit Spitze will have excess skin around the edge of the base. This is perfectly normal, as it offers our workers an area to hold while ventilating the hair and gives the edge of your Toupet mit Spitze some protection. Before your customers wear their hair systems, either you or they will have to cut this excess material off.

Similar to how you would cut off the extra lace material of a lace hair system, you first need to cut a straight line up to the hairline of the Haarsystem mit Spitze.

Then, slowly and carefully cut along the hairline, circling the skin base until all the excess skin is cut off. It is important to be careful not to cut any of the hair off when completing this procedure.

Why should I purchase Haarsystem mit Spitzes from New Times Hair?

Being one of the most widely recognized men’s toupee manufacturers based in China, New Times Hair has many features that make us a top choice for your wholesale Haarsystem mit Spitze needs.

Premium skin material quality
All skin materials used in the production of our Haarsystem mit Spitzesare carefully sourced from the most reliable and reputable European suppliers, which guarantees that theToupet mit Spitzeyou get from us is the classiest on the market.

Large variety for your customers’ choices
At New Times Hair, we offer a wide array of Haarsystem mit Spitze models. Whether it is stock or custom Haarsystem mit Spitze, we can fulfill the specific needs of all of your customers.

Extremely competitive wholesale prices
New Times Hair is widely recognized as a hair system manufacturer that offers the best value-for-your-money Haarsystem mit Spitzes. Indeed, it is very hard to find another hair replacement manufacturer that can offer such top-notch Haarsystem mit Spitzes for prices lower than ours. We put our reputation and client satisfaction ahead of everything. By offering lower prices, we want our Haarsystem mit Spitzes to reach more and more people who are struggling with hair loss and help them live better lives!

30-Day Free Return Policy
New Times Hair offers a 30-day free return policy for every order. If you want to return your order after receiving it for any legitimate reason, we will replace it for free or give you a full refund. This policy should alleviate any concerns you have regarding purchasing from overseas. You can essentially try our Toupet mit Spitzes for the cost of the shipping fee.

How should I cut the base of Haarsystem mit Spitzes down to my client’s size?

Cutting the base of Haarsystem mit Spitzes down to your client’s size is not as complicated as it may seem. All you need are scissors, a marker, and a measuring tape.

To begin, measure out the base size your customer wants on the Haarsystem mit Spitze and mark those points with the marker. You need to do this for both the width and the length of the base. Then, you can join up the marks to make one solid line around the base.

Before you pick up the scissors, you need to pull the hair back behind the line you marked out. Then, carefully cut along the line and make sure the hair stays behind the line; otherwise, you will end up cutting the hair off by mistake. If you do end up cutting the hair, you will be left with short pieces of hair around the hairline that will not look very natural.

How to maintain Haarsystem mit Spitzes?

Since thin Haarsystem mit Spitzes come with a base made of synthetic polyurethane materials that are supposed to come in contact with human skin, they need regular cleaning and storage to maintain the right shape and appearance. With proper maintenance on a regular basis, the Haarsystem mit Spitze can last up to its maximum lifespan.

When removing Haarsystem mit Spitzes, it is highly recommended to spray remover all around the perimeter and wait a few minutes for the adhesive to release. Then, gently lift the base away from the scalp from the back to the front to avoid damaging the front hairline.

When not wearing the Haarsystem mit Spitze, place it on a dry, clean, and flat surface to maintain its shape. To prevent the hair from tangling and breaking, brush the Haarteile mit Spitze für Männer every day with a wide-toothed comb before applying a moderate amount of leave-in conditioner to the hair system. When the Toupet mit Spitze feels dry, wash it with shampoo and conditioner before rinsing with lukewarm water. Lastly, dry the Haarsystem mit Spitze with a towel and let it air-dry. Note: you should wash the hair system as fast as you can following the right steps, as the skin material should not be soaked in liquid for too long.