D73DYF: D7-3-DYF Feines Monobasis-Haarsystem mit PU-Perimeter und Schweizer Spitzenfront für den Großhandel

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Das D7-3-DYF zeichnet sich durch Langlebigkeit, einfache Handhabung und einen nicht erkennbaren Haaransatz aus.

  • Super unauffälliger vorderer Haaransatz, der es den Trägern ermöglicht, das Haar so zu stylen, wie sie es wünschen.
  • Die lange Lebensdauer ergibt sich aus der Mono-Spitze, die sehr stark und haltbar ist. Die beste Wahl für alle, die ein langlebiges Haarsystem wünschen.
  • Die PU-Umrandung ermöglicht den Trägern eine einfache und schnelle Anbringung, unabhängig davon, ob ein Klebeband oder Klebstoff verwendet wird.
  • Wir sind der Großhandelslieferant für Friseure, Salons, Kosmetikschulen und Kliniken auf der ganzen Welt.
Gewicht 0.1 kg

Indisches Haar


Fine mono with NPU perimeter and Swiss lace front


8, 8, 6, 6, 7, 7

Front Kontur




Haare locken





#1, #1B




Front 1


3-6 Monate

Start zur Bestellung Großhandel Lace Front Mono Base Hair System

Die Basis des D7-3-DYF Herrenhaarteils besteht aus einer Mono-Spitze, die von einem PU-Rand umgeben ist. Mono ist als ein sehr haltbares Material bekannt, das sich auch noch bequem anfühlt. Dieses Haarsystem hat also eine außergewöhnliche Lebensdauer, die viele Benutzer als vorteilhaft empfinden.

Mono Base Hair System Großhandel

Außerdem wird ganz vorne eine Schicht Schweizer Spitze mit der Färbetechnik hinzugefügt, wodurch ein vorderer Haaransatz entsteht, der genauso natürlich aussieht wie ein gebleichtes Knötchen.

Mono Base Hair System Großhandel

Außerdem macht die PU-Umrandung, die das Mono-Top umgibt, die Befestigung einfacher und benutzerfreundlicher, da sie sowohl mit Kleber als auch mit Klebeband gut funktioniert. Und die Träger können die Kleberückstände nach dem Abnehmen des Haarersatzsystems leicht entfernen.

Mono Base Hair System Großhandel

Als hochprofessioneller und erfahrener Hersteller von Haarteilen kann New Times Hair alle Arten von feinen Mono-Haarteilen maßschneidern, um die speziellen Wünsche Ihrer Kunden zu erfüllen. Wir bieten weltweiten Versand an Kunden in den USA, Kanada, Großbritannien, Sapin, Frankreich, Brasilien, Australien, etc. Sie können uns unter [email protected] kontaktieren, um eine Bestellung aufzugeben.


Kind Reminder: After you receive the hair replacement system, please contact us directly if you have any questions or issues with a product. New Times Hair will work with you to ensure your satisfaction. We offer a 30-day guarantee return option for our stock products. To use this option, please make sure that the hair system has not been cut, shaped, washed, dyed, or used.



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Nachstehend finden Sie Antworten auf die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen:

1. Kann ich Haarsysteme AUF Lager zurückgeben oder umtauschen?

Ja, auf jeden Fall! Sie können unser Lagerhaarsystem innerhalb von 30 Tagen ab Kaufdatum zurückgeben oder umtauschen, sofern das Haarsystem unverändert, ungetragen, ungewaschen, unbeschädigt und in der Originalverpackung ist.

2. Wer ist für die Versandkosten verantwortlich?

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Schließen Sie sich uns als exklusiver Großhändler an

Warum mitmachen?


What is a Monobasis-Haar-System?

A Monobasis-Haar-System is a type of hair system with a base that is constructed of thin, mesh, nylon-like, monofilament material that is very strong and solid. Monobasis-Haar-Systems are widely recognized for being very strong and moderately breathable and are becoming more and more popular among hair system wearers who prioritize the lifespan of their hair systems.

How long do Monobasis-Haar-Systems last?

How long do hair system last depends on a number of factors, such as base design, hair type, manufacturer, and how well the hair systems are taken care of. When it comes to the base design, the greater the mono proportion of the base, the longer the hair system tends to last. Based on the customer experiences of our partners, most Monobasis-Toupets on the market can last more than six months for most wearers.

The type of hair used in the production of Monobasis-Haar-Systems also plays a part in the lifespan. With top-grade hair materials, many Monobasis-Haar-Systems manage to outlast their expected lifespan since such hair materials are less vulnerable to breakage and shedding. Thus, when wholesaling Monobasis-Haar-Systems to fuel your business growth, it is very important to select a men’s toupee manufacturer with high-quality standards and excellent expertise.

Another thing that also accounts for the lifespan of Monobasis-Haar-Systems is how well they are taken care of, which explains the varying lifespan of the same Monobasis-Haar-Systems produced by the same manufacturer but worn by different wearers. It is recommended to attach with tape instead of glue. Since mono is a permeable material just like lace, it would take more work to clean up the glue residue, which, consequently, damages the hair roots. Frequent use of glue on Monobasis-Haar-Systems has proven to shorten their lifespan.

Between lace hair systems and Monobasis-Haar-Systems, which one is better?

Which one is better largely depends on the wearers’ own needs and preferences, as both types of hair systems have their own advantages that make them valued by different groups of people.

Being particularly popular among those sporty lifestyles or who live in places with a hot and humid climate, lace hair systems are highly favored for their exceptional breathability, which is due to the thousands of small holes that allow the wearer’s scalp to breathe to the fullest extent. In comparison to lace hair pieces, the holes on a mono base are much smaller, which leads to less superior breathability. In terms of naturalness and undetectability, lace hair pieces also take the winning position, as the lace material can better blend with human hair to appear less noticeable. In spite of that, most mono hair systems on the market, especially those with a bleached lace front, appear natural-looking enough to make the wearer feel comfortable.

On the other hand, made of thicker and stronger material, Monobasis-Haar-Systems are undoubtedly more durable and practical than lace ones, which makes them a better value-for-your-money option in the long run. Thus, when choosing between lace and Monobasis-Haar-Systems, the wearer should have a clear idea of what they care about the most for their hair system, as well as which type of hair piece can better meet their specific needs.

Who should purchase Monobasis-Haar-System?

Monobasis-Haar-Systems are the best option for hair system wearers who prioritize the lifespan of their hair systems, since mono is a really strong and solid base material that is very resistant to damage and wearing. That is why they are seen as the most economical and budget-friendly hair piece design. In addition, people who prefer hybrid hair system designs that combine more than one type of base material should consider Monobasis-Haar-Systems, as they are generally designed in accordance with such an approach.

How should I install Monobasis-Haar-Systems for my clients?

Click to find our detailed instructions on men’s hair piece installation.

Step 1: Cut the hair system down to your client’s size, and cut off the extra skin along the front hairline. Be careful not to cut the hair when cutting the base.

Step 2: Shave off the hair on the area that will be covered by the Monobasis-Toupet. Thoroughly clean the scalp with alcohol.

Step 3: Use a make-up pencil to mark a few dots on your client’s scalp along the edge of the hair system. The front hairline can be located by placing four fingers above your client’s eyebrows.

Step 4: Brush a thin layer of glue up to the dots before carefully wiping the dots off.

Step 5: Wait until the glue is completely dry and position the Monobasis-Haar-System from the front hairline all the way to the back. Try to make sure that there are no bubbles. Once the Mono-Haar-System is nicely positioned, firmly press it to make sure it is tightly secured to your client’s head.

This article on how to install a hair system like a pro has some valuable information, including walking you through a typical crown hair piece installation routine.

Why should I purchase wholesale Monobasis-Haar-System from New Times Hair?

As one of the most widely recognized hair system manufacturers in China, New Times Hair has many features that make us a top choice for your wholesale Monobasis-Haar-System needs.

Premium skin material quality
All mono materials used in the production of our Monobasis-Haar-Systems are carefully sourced from the most reliable and reputable European suppliers, which guarantees that the Monobasis-Haar-System you get from us are the classiest on the market.

Large variety for your customers’ choices
At New Times Hair, we offer a wide range of Monobasis-Haar-System models. Whether it is stock or custom Monobasis-Haar-Systems, we can fulfil the specific needs of all of your customers.

Extremely competitive wholesale prices
New Times Hair is widely recognized as a hair system manufacturer that offers the best value-for-your-money hairpieces. Indeed, it is very hard to find another hair replacement manufacturer that can offer such top-notch Monobasis-Haar-System for prices lower than ours. We put our reputation and client satisfaction ahead of everything. By offering lower prices, we want our Monobasis-Haar-Systems to reach more and more people who are struggling with hair loss and help them live better lives!

30-Day free return policy
New Times Hair offers a 30-day free return policy for every order. If you want to return your order after receiving it for any legitimate reason, we will replace it for free or give you a full refund. This policy should alleviate any concerns you have regarding purchasing from overseas. You can essentially try our Monobasis-Haar-System for the cost of the shipping fee.

How does fine mono differ from fine welded mono?

Fine mono and fine welded mono are two different types of mono materials that have their own advantages.

Fine Mono
Compared with fine welded mono, fine mono is made of a stronger and more solid mono fabric with denser and smaller holes. That is why it has a longer lifespan than fine welded mono. In addition, Monobasis-Haar-System with a base made of fine mono material can go with a higher hair density since the material is less vulnerable to breakage. One thing to note is that fine mono is rarely put into use exclusively for the production of the hair system base, and skin perimeter is often adopted in combination with such material to protect the mono edge from fraying.

Fine Welded Mono
In comparison with fine mono, fine welded mono is more similar to lace material. Unlike fine mono, fine welded mono is made of a softer and more delicate mono fabric with larger holes, which is why it feels a lot more breathable on the head. When it comes to realism, fine welded mono turns out to be a more favorable option as well, since larger holes generally appear more undetectable when covered by the hair of the hair system. Another difference between these two types of hairpieces is that fine welded mono is often used exclusively to produce the hair system base without the need of a skin perimeter since the edge is less susceptible to fraying. On the other hand, in spite of being more breathable and natural-looking, hair systems made of fine welded mono material come with a shorter lifespan since the fabric is softer and more prone to breakage, which is why it cannot have the same hair volume as fine mono material.

When choosing between fine mono hair systems and fine welded mono hair systems, it is important to keep your top needs in mind and figure out which type of hair piece best fulfills your needs.

How do I take good care of a Monobasis-Haar-System?

Since Monobasis-Haar-Systems have a base that is constructed with a thin, mesh, nylon-like material with really small and dense holes, it is more difficult to clean the base and keep it in a good condition, especially when the wearers use hair products like gel, mousse, glue, and conditioner. The residues from such products can gradually corrode hair roots, consequently leading to hair loss. Thus, it is very critical to thoroughly clean the base on a regular basis to prevent damage to both the hair and the base.

Wash Frequency
Daily wearers should replace the adhesive every day and wash the Mono-Haar-System with shampoo every week. Semi-permanent wearers (wearing 1-2 weeks) should do a full clean-up after removal, while permanent wearers cannot wear the Monobasis-Haar-System for longer than four weeks without a thorough clean-up.

Avoid Use Glue or Tape on the Mono Area
Avoid using glue or tape on the mono area of the Monobasis-Haar-System; just use it on the poly area. This will usually provide sufficient hold for comfortable and long-lasting wear, and it means that cleaning will not be much of an issue.

Choose the Right Adhesive Remover
It is recommended to use alcohol-based adhesive removers, which are the most popular and effective options when it comes to removing adhesive. They manage to remove residue from both the Monobasis-Haar-System and the person’s head very effectively. Also, use citrus-based cleaners, which are gentle solvents. These cleaners not only ease the process of removing a hairpiece and adhesive, but they also do so without damaging the Monobasis-Haar-System.

Use Spray on Hair Conditioner
In addition, the wearers should use a spray-on hair conditioner. Aside from being a great option to keep the hair in a good condition, spray-on hair conditioner can help avoid tangling and keep the hair soft. However, when it comes to cleaning mono, it is actually very difficult to completely remove the residue of the conditioner. This is because of the very small and dense holes. When the conditioner gets into the holes, it is very hard to clean them completely. Sometimes it may look clean enough, but there is actually still some leftover in the holes. Moreover, although conditioner is very rich in nutrients, a little of it can hold a lot of germs, which will gradually corrode the hair roots. In this case, then, it is definitely much better to use a spray-in conditioner, which sprays directly on the hair and nourishes your hair without coming into contact with the fine mono base. It also makes maintenance of the Monobasis-Haar-System easier and a lot quicker.